Keep Saratoga Weird (An Introductory Post)

Greek style statues in Congress Park

           Chronicling my attempts at adventure, trying to find neato things to do in the boring realm of upstate ny. While, I'm trying to focus this blog on SARATOGA SPRINGS, I will likely also post anything within a reasonable day-trip distance from my home in Saratoga. I will include surrounding areas, such as Schuylerville (old Saratoga) and Lake George.  I hope to create interesting posts about local curiosities and history targeted for the local community.

              One of my main resources in curating ideas for this blog has been Atlas Obscura, along with generally knowing the area. I also have been meaning to hit up the public library in town, as they have a great deal of resources about town history and things of the like. The name is taken from a common phrase "Keep (Name of Location) Weird".  I hope to create an interesting source of local curiosities for my fellow jaded citizens of upstate NY.

               This blog is 100% NON-COMMERCIAL, I am only a local person who has lived here for over 20 years and nobody is paying me to do any of this. I have no ties to any local business, and I have a personal, deep-seeded vendetta against the reality developers in this town. Any photos that I post are either taken by myself, or I will give appropriate links to the original source. Please do not repost any of my posts without a link back to this blog. I'm doing this out of my own private time and resources, and I don't want people to plagiarize my content, thanks in advance.

World War I/II memorial in Congress Park. My grandfather and great-grandfather have their names on here, however, the people who created this landmark spelled my family's name wrong. 

                   Born and raised in Saratoga Springs, for better or for worse. My family has basically lived here since forever. As a child and a teenager, I loved and adored the small town life, the quietness and the beautiful scenery. However, as a restless adult, I long eternally for the exciting novelties and adventure of big cities like New York and Tokyo. Because I have a lot of chronic health problems, it's not realistic for me to move to a place like that. So I'm trying my best to find new sources of excitement in an overly familiar place.

Drawing by me. Done w/ micron and tombow brush tip pens.

          I work a retail day job at a clothing store, and run my own small business on etsy selling natural gemstone jewelry. I love writing, photography, and making crafts. Some of my favorites are my cat, gemstones, and drinking tea. Most of my inspiration in art comes from the ornate opulence of antiquity combined with a punk rock approach to aesthetic. I am not a socially outgoing person, and I don't care for loud noises, crowds, dogs or children, which leaves me having to get real creative for ventures in town. I like looking at art, museums, gardens, interesting buildings and things of the like. The music I listen to is mostly synthpop, EBM, dark electronic, and witch house. My favorite historical art movement is rococo, though I do like the victorian era revival of classical grecoroman aesthetic. I also like alternative fashion movements, such as romantic gothic, and gothic lolita fashions.

  1. a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
    synonyms:boredomtedium, listlessness, lethargylassitudelanguorwearinessenervationMore

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